So the conclusion is that Crowdstrike was being deceptive, at least Alperovitch when he said the caught the Russians "in the act." More importantly and missed by the senators, is that the exfiltration occurred after May 21, (the date of the last DNC email exfiltrated). Crowdstrike was "shoulder-surfing" for three weeks by that point. They should have seen it. Instead here is what Alperovitch told Wired magazine in March 2017:

'Alperovitch says. This is because of a handful of small but significant tells: data exfiltrated to an IP address associated with the hackers; a misspelled URL; and time zones related to Moscow. "They were called FANCY BEAR and COZY BEAR, and we could attribute them to the Russian government." '


But this is like saying we know the Wet Bandits were the burglars since they left the kitchen faucet running. In the tradecraft of intelligence its SOP to copy another's tradecraft to present a false trail or flag.

The date of the oldest DNC email was in Jan 2015, which proves nothing. The reason Henry and Alperovitch knew the date of the original breach is because the USIC was tipped off by Dutch intelligence, who saw the breach occur in real time from a hacked FSB security camera. This leaves the question of why Crowdstrike was privileged to this classified detail but the DNC was not alerted for 9 months. Would Hillary Clinton have been allowed to have this information?

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Do you proofread what you've written before you post it?

Also, why do you repeat yourself so much?

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"Trump repeatedly asserted that Ukraine, not Russia, had interfered in the election, a view that alarmed some of his aides, concerned that he might have been influenced by Russia. The Washington Post reported in 2019 that a former senior White House official recalled that Trump said he knew Ukraine was the real culprit because 'Putin told me.' Two other former officials said the senior White House official described Trump’s comment to them.”

-- The Washinton Post, 6/20/24

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"Russia Gate Hoax" my you-know-what.

Do you think the hacks were inside jobs?

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Great. Important.

Small typo. “ Trump fiercely resented the claim, which he (reasonably) interpreted as undermining the legitimacy of his selection”. S/B election.

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