Oct 11, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

For Mifsud to be referring to the May DNC hack in April would indeed be a chronological impossibility if it was a hack. But it would not be for planners of a hoax. The Manafort angle, which is highly intertwined with the Russia hoax, started in prior to March 2016.

Oleg Deripaska hired Steele in March 2016 to investigate Manafort. Steele's US agent, Igor Danchenko, told the FBI (according to the Horowitz report) that Steele had originally assigned him to investigate Manafort, who was also the first target of Nelly Ohr's research for Fusion GPS. This was not coincidental as Steele hired Glenn Simpson on behalf of Deripaska before Simpson hired Steele on behalf of Clinton. Coincidentally, (or not), Bruce Ohr met with Steele and Deripaska in January 2016, according to Ohr's own memo. They all shared communication through DC lawyer, Adam Waldman.

Clinton clearly had foreknowledge of the DNC hack since the FBI was aware of the Russian malware on the DNC server since summer of 2015 when they were tipped off by Dutch intelligence that they had witnessed the Russian SVR break into the DNC server. We know now that Clinton's lawyers were closely working with the FBI and later made up the bulk of the Mueller investigative team. There is zero chance that the FBI forgot to tell them the Russians were on their server.

If Clinton had knowledge of the Russia malware on the DNC server she had to have had intentionally left it unmolested for a year, including through her Hillary For America hack of John Podesta's emails in March of 2016. How else could it have remained there while having the same Hillary For America IT people and cyber security firm sit on their hands and not run any anti-virus on the DNC network? Their IT contractors, as well as the DNC's, were MIS Inc, a small Chicago IT clan loyal to the Obama camp since his 2008 campaign. The two Clinton operations also used the same lawyers, Perkins Coie, and the same cyber security firm, Crowdstrike.

When Dmitri Alperovitch of Crowdstrike was called in by Perkins Coie to look at the DNC server on May 1, 2016, he acted shocked to find Russians on the server. The DNC's emails got exfiltrated 21 days later on May 21st, under his supervision. So, he could not be eliminated as being involved in that exfiltration in a criminal science perspective. Yet the FBI were willing to completely rely on Crowdstrike's analysis and control of physical evidence for their crime investigation, breaking all policy and precedent of allowing the supposed victims to investigate their own cases.

Knowing what we know now about the FBI should make this a very clear story of the largest political op, "dirty trick," in American History.

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Steve, I don't understand your minimization of the importance of the Steele Dossier and the 4 FISAs that were based on it. (Pt. No. 7 above) 2,600 subpoenas were issued in the Mueller "investigation" and at the very least a substantial portion of these were the product of the Dossier and the fraudulent FISA.

The FBI and Mueller were able to gather huge amounts of information based on the FISAs. Carter Page was an unpaid adviser to an informal committee that met infrequently. He never even met the 2 Russians he was supposed to have conspired with and never had even heard of one. Paragraph 2 of the first FISA alleged that he was an agent of a foreign power, when he had in fact worked with the CIA for 5 years and was viewed as a positive contact.

It took massive lying and fraud, all easily understood to do this. The fact that the FISAs could come out of the FBI and AG's office is irrefutable evidence of their massive corruption and of an attempted intelligence agency coup. Everyone can understand this without much explanation. It is something that can resonate with a substantial proportion of the public.

Other misdeeds by the intelligence community, require delving into the details and keeping the dates correct, which is not something that 95% of the public will do. (Such as the facts surrounding the claimed call that Danchenko claimed that Sergei Millian made)

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I don't minimize importance of dossier at all. On the contrary, I am trying to show that it was fundamental document to the continued predication of Crossfire Hurricane and ultimately predication of Mueller appointment, and even to the ICA. All of these were FAR more consequential than the impact on Carter Page, a lone individual, regrettable as that was. I strongly think that over-emphasis on Carter Page FISA as the primary adverse impact of Steele dossier is a total distraction from these wider impacts.

I'm unaware of anything from Page FISAs that would was used in later predication or by Mueller. Seems to me that the leak of the existence of the Page FISA in April 2017 (which was incorrectly interpreted, in the run-up to Mueller, as support for validity of rumors) had more impact than anything discovered from the FISA.

Nice to hear from you again.

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Hi Steve, thanks for the compliment. Would like to comment on some of your work on Twitter, but Twitter doesn't provide enough privacy.

I have no personal knowledge of what information exactly was gained by the 4 FISAs but I assume it is huge. They mis-identified Carter Page as an agent of a foreign country. Here is Sharyl Atkisson interview describing the two-hop rule.

"In this way, one analysis found intel agencies can use one legal wiretap to access to 25,000 people's phones. Consider at least a half dozen Trump officials were caught in the FBI surveillance dragnet, according to news reports: campaign chair Manafort, multiple "transition officials" including Lt. General Michael Flynn and Jared Kushner, and adviser Carter Page — who was wiretapped over and over though never charged with anything.....And what most people don't understand is, they don't just get everything they want against Carter Page, they get everything they want against every person who communicated with Carter Page, and against every person who communicated with that person. So it goes out what's called two hops. ...They could have all kinds of banking records and personal information on tens of thousands of people by virtue of those FISA applications. " https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/12/sharyl_attkisson_explains_why_one_fisa_warrant_on_one_person_can_lead_to_spying_on_emthousandsem_of_people.html

I agree that the impact on Carter Page (as very regrettable as it was) was not that important in the bigger picture. But the information almost surely obtained was huge. The fact that they were signed by higher up figures, such as Comey and Sally Yates indicates their importance as well as the thorough corruption of the Justice Dept & FBI. Essentially a total nobody was pulled off the street and used as, most probably, the major cog in a corrupt intelligence agency scheme. A total disgrace that can easily be understood by the public.

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