Hope Kash Patel can get to the bottom of the op, misdirection and cover up.

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Very nice… setting the table for (hopefully) fresh revelations and surgical examination of the insidious DNC hack... This zygote arising from dick to asshole relationship between Clinton campaign and US intelligence community. Ukraine and Russia-China strategic coalition aligning against American interests all flow from this bastardous beginning.

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It seems impossible that no investigator noticed that 98% of the emails were dated after Shawn Henry's claimed date that they were "staged for exfiltration."

The fact that the hackers never demonstrated possession of emails that were on the DNC server prior to May 23, 2016, is actually exculpatory for the Russians being the Wikileaks source since Dutch intelligence actually witnessed the Russian FSB use their Cozy Bear for the initial entry to the DNC server as early as the summer of 2015. If the Russians wanted to hurt the DNC one would think that there would be at least one damaging email dated prior to the 30-day retention mark from May 23. We know the Dutch were reading earlier emails obtained by the FSB, like the Amanda Renteria one regarding Lynch giving the assurance about clearing Clinton on her personal server investigation.

The attribution by Mueller to the GRU seems obviously due to Crowdstrike's claim of the GRU being the actor behind Fancy Bear, and that FB hacked the DNC in April, just when Shawn Henry claimed (dubiously) a hack was being "staged."

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